My greatest question

Can I change? 

This question always rings in my thought 
Whenever I do something wrong
Can I change from my wrong 

It keeps killing me everyday
I keep committing evil as often as I breathe
That's why I say I'm stuck in the web of sin

When I look at how I'm been chained
 I ask, can I be ever set free? 
Seems my cup would soon get filled 

With sorrow and pains
Hatred along with shame
I'm not alright 

I'm dying inside
I fear that day when I'll close my eyes to sleep
Just to open it and see my soul walking 

Sins flows from my veins to my brain 
Where it shuts down my conscience 
And leads me to continue my evil
Then it leaves me to siren on the evil I do

Poem from a bleeding heart 


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