Behind the hood. part 3 of 'Miserable Comforter'

Crimes everywhere a terror was wanted Once a city of joy But now is it of sorrow, pains and tears Cultural dance steps have been forgotten by the dancers No curfew but nobody goes out Probability of staying alive outside your house is 1/100 "Watch your back death is coming" is now a proverb being said Land that was flowing with milk and honey Is now flowing with tears and blood A land that had ceremony every weekend No sounds of drum are being heard anymore If the soil could talk, it will be crime because of overfeeding It has taken more than what it can take No one celebrate the exit of any soul Because a lot of souls are being claimed everyday Weeping is now an anthem and complains the pledge All the helping hands are not helpful anymore The gods have become fools No more success in their businesses No one buys coffin to bury the dead anymore. In the city the only prediction being made are death predictions Souls are being wasted, spirits are being sent t...